Every Tuesday I’ll be posting two quick iPhone tips to help you make the best of your summer photo opportunities.
Tip#1 Clean your lens you filthy animal! This is so basic but you handle your phone all day long with your oily hands and when you’re not using it, it sits in your dusty pocket. That lens usually has a dusty, oily film on it and it shows up in your photos. If you have a soft dust free cloth with you give it a wipe before you start shooting. If not, I’ve used my shirt or my friend’s shirts if they look cleaner.
Tip#2 Shoot during golden hour. Lighting is everything! I know, sometimes you don’t always have the luxury of waiting for the perfect light but at some point at the end of the day, when the sun is low on the horizon the perfect light shows up – Take advantage of it and take some photos. If you’re taking selfies or group shots, make sure the golden light is hitting the subjects face. And if you love landscape photography, shoot that sunset! A little sunset tip: put some people in your shot and embrace the silhouette. Having people in a sunset shot makes it more than ‘just another sunset’ – it makes it a story.