2019Summer iPhone tips 3
Tip#4 VIDEO! – Todays tip deals with shooting video on your iPhone, specifically if you want to capture fast moving action shots. There is a setting on your iPhone that will allow you to change the default video setting and give you the best quality video for those shots when you really need it.
Your camera’s default setting for video is 1080p at 30 frames per second. It’s the default because it saves storage space and for most videos it’s sufficient. Most of us never change this setting because it is perfect for viewing on your phone and posting videos on line. But if you enjoy shooting sporting events or just a day of fast moving action you can change the default setting to 60fps (Frames per second) in 1080p and that will handle most of your sporting event needs and will still be a manageable files for posting online. I recommend only using this feature for the shots or events you are shooting and then change it back to the default to save storage space on your camera.
To change the video settings:
Go to SETTINGS – CAMERA – RECORD VIDEO. You can make your changes there.
(Don’t forget to change back when you no longer need fast capture)
Shooting 4k Movies to be viewed on a big screen. Did you know that some filmmakers have used the iPhone to shoot feature films? When the newer iPhones with better cameras came out, there were film making competitions to showcase the features of the camera. The 4K setting was designed to give you the best resolution for showing your videos on a big screen. These files take up a lot of storage so you can’t store them on your phone for long. If this is a bigger video project, you’ll most likely be using a computer to edit your videos so I recommend transferring them to a hard dive and backing them up and then deleting them from your phone when you’re ready to free up space. If you’ve ever been bitten by the filmmaking bug, this is an ideal and inexpensive way to take on a fun project.
Happy shooting!